Cheerful Video For A Monday

Warning: Expletives not deleted!!!

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8 Responses to Cheerful Video For A Monday

  1. Michael R. Kesti says:

    She’s right, it’ll be in my head all day!

  2. Michael Anderson says:

    Excellent way to start a Monday morning!

  3. ant says:

    Tom Spurgeon linked to your site, that’s why I’m here–I remembered your great comics from Weirdo, your stuff was always right up there!!!! Well, I should say “is up there” since all of my Weirdo’s were bought as back issues over the past few years, I was too young for that stuff “first time around” but I love your comix, the drawing style, the writing, everything! Really inspiring stuff! So thanks for all the great work and all the best from the UK!

    • rlcrabb says:

      Thanks, Mr. Ant. Good to know someone remembers all that stuff from the days of Yore. Every once in awhile I google my name and hit “images” just to remind myself what a huge volume of comix I have under my belt. A lot of ink under the bridge.

  4. Jesus Betterman says:

    George Rebane suggests importing brains, to which I say: So import smart, export dumb, you have any idea how easy a sell to the Tea Party faithful this will be, given how many of them fall into the latter category? Some would say this is an Agenda 21 to beat anything the Sierra Club ever dreamed of.

    and it’s time for another round of the chorus.

  5. Jesus Betterman says:

    What did you learn underground, today, dear little boy of mine?

    Have a Dr Strangelove day!

  6. TD Pittsford says:

    That amusing little ditty may just replace the George C. Bendover theme song, “Bullshit.” (AKA, “It’s all bullshit!”

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