Category Archives: Local

Today’s Specials

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Was It Something I Said?

Two members of the GVHC tendered their resignations last week, citing the attitude of City Manager Tim Kiser toward historical plaques, and a few other things…

Posted in History, Local, Politics | Leave a comment

Happy Holydays

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Mine Your Own Business

Rise Gold’s latest attempt to bypass Nevada County’s right to determine its economic and environmental future meets a unanimous fuck you.

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Native Son

Posted in Culture, History, Local | 1 Comment

For The Birds

Posted in Food, Local | 1 Comment

Downhill From Here

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It’s A Conspiracy!

Is it AI? Is it CGI? Or is it just coincidence that Texas Congressdude Chip Roy bears a striking resemblance to Nevada County’s right wing firebrand, George Rebane? Or could it be that Rebane cracked the cloning code and recreated … Continue reading

Posted in Inept vs. Insane, Local, Politics | 2 Comments

Hole Lotta Shakin’ Goin’ On

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My Life As A Juvenile Delinquent

Posted in Culture, Local | 1 Comment