“Comedy is not pretty” –Steve Martin
Just a friendly reminder that president shaming is a bi-partisan sport. Kathy Griffin is only the latest casualty in the war on civility. She’s no babe in the woods. She intended for her image of Trump to raise hackles, and succeeded beyond her wildest expectations. She’ll be paying for it for many years to come.
My sympathies to Julie Baker and the staff of The Center For The Arts. They got blindsided by all this madness. They did the only thing they could under the circumstances. The show was intended to be entertainment, not a battleground.
And for the indignant dopes on the right, where was your outrage when these images were being casually displayed around the country? Hmmmm?…
Yeah and the same crew who were livid at the Obama as Tribesman images thought it was just hysterical to morph Bush the Younger into “Bushitler”! It all depends on which the team you play for. As you can well imagine…. the usual suspects are losing their minds over at the catbox hosted by “The Nations Editor”!
On a lighter note….. my first thought was that 50K under the surgeons knife really doesn’t buy much beauty these days!
Let’s see now; one President is vilified and ridiculed for his policies, which bring about the biggest attack on American soil since Pearl Harbor, a war against an uninvolved nation, and the collapse of the world’s economy. The next President keeps us safe, saves the economy, and makes every effort to end the wars, and is vilified and ridiculed for…the color of his skin. (As much as you would like the above pictures stricken from the record.)
Now, I’m not claiming that the majority necessarily opposed Obama because he was half black, but the extreme wings of either party couldn’t be more easily described: the right wing opposes anything that’s not supportive of a white, Christian privilege, while the left extremists claim that ALL forms of life are equals.
Trump is an anomaly; opposed by the majority mainly because he puts the almighty dollar ahead of all other concerns, and because most of us believe that he hasn’t a clue as to what he’s doing. If ever there was a pig with lipstick; you’re looking at him.
As to your “lighter note”… beauty is truly skin deep, and there ain’t a thing any amount of money can do about that.
Let’s see now; one President is vilified and ridiculed for his policies, which bring about the biggest attack on American soil since Pearl Harbor, a war against an uninvolved nation, and the collapse of the world’s economy. The next President keeps us safe, saves the economy, and makes every effort to end the wars, and is vilified and ridiculed for…the color of his skin. (As much as you would like the above pictures stricken from the record.)
Obama saved the economy…..thank you….I can now begin my day with a smile.
She’s not funny and she’s always used mean humor.
If we need a few goods laughs, how about Wanda Sykes?
Now that lady has talent, loved her in “Evan Almighty”.