While making my daily rounds of Nevada County Voices, I noticed that my former editor over at Sierra Foothill Report took a swipe at me today. I usually try to avoid “Scoopy” and his snarky attitude, but if he’s going to mention me by name I might as well set the record straight. With Scoopy’s brand of reporting, it’s usually required.
We ended up at the same feeding trough last week, the third annual Fork to Face extravaganza on Commercial Street in Nevada City, but fortunately were seated several miles away from each other. Even so, I walked up to his end to get a photo of the entire length of the feast. I know he’s embarrassed to have his photo taken, so I made sure to cut him out of the frame. (No easy task.)
I may have mentioned in past posts that Scoopy’s ego is even larger than his considerable girth, and when he saw me with a camera he assumed that I was going paparazzi on him. He writes, “…he pointed his camera at me while I was eating and I lifted up a napkin just in time to block him.”
A napkin? Are you kidding?
He goes on to wonder why I, a man of the people, would show my face at an “elitist” gathering? I didn’t know there were restrictions on my “kind” attending a public event. Heck, I’m even a homeowner, not the lowly renter class he likes to complain about.
Well, anyway, I took the picture I wanted and posted it on Facebook the day after, where it can be publicly enjoyed by anyone, even Scoopy if he was so inclined. Here it is. Scoopy is seated to the right, and completely out of the picture.
This came immediately to mind. A case of history repeating.
Oops! Link:
Scoopy is always whining about “boundaries” but they don’t seem to matter when he makes up things that never happened. He seems to think everything is about him. Think about it. If I really wanted to take his picture I had the whole evening to do it. He’s a liar.
And to get all of him in the picture you would have had to be much farther away. #zipcode
Some people look at the world and only wonder “How is this about me?”
I just checked out said JournoList’s comments to his own ‘Farm to Table’ article over at his website. Sounds like he thinks you’re stalking him, Bob.
Shows to go you what an education at Berkeley and Northwestern gets you.
Full disclosure: My bride has an art degree from Berkeley. Fortunately, after 28 years of marriage to me, she has been able to return to reality.
So Scoopy now says I pointed my camera at him from my seat at the table. If you look at the above photo, you’ll notice an empty chair on the left pulled out of the line up. That’s my chair. So my supposed attempt to steal his soul with my little cheapo digital camera would have been rather far-fetched, to say the least. Hey, Scoopy! I’m going to the Nevada City Market this morning in case you want to avoid me. (P.S. -I’m not taking the camera!)
Wow Crabby, now I know what it means when we say someone is “full” of themselves. In this case however, “gorged” is more like it. (See “ouroboros”in your local dictionary.)