
Just a note that I have been experiencing problems with the blog and email accounts. Hopefully it will be resolved soon. Why do people do this kind of shit?

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8 Responses to Hacked?

  1. rlcrabb says:

    If you are seeing the blog, please leave a comment so I know it’s still not screwed up. Thanx, The Management.

  2. steve cottrell says:


    No problem here. Your blog is fine insofar as I can tell.

  3. Barry Pruett says:

    “please leave a comment so I know it’s still not screwed up. Thanx, The Management.” So many opportunities…

  4. Terry says:

    Crabbman, it’s fine today, the masthead is back and it all looks good.20

  5. fish says:

    Yesterday spotty. Today…so far, so good!

  6. Don Baumgart says:

    Seems to be up and running now. Welcome back from obscurity!

  7. Chris Peterson says:

    Keeps directing me to your nemesis: Some Fat Son.

    Just kidding. Six, two, and even. Over and out.

  8. rlcrabb says:

    Everything seems to be back to normal, if there is such a condition. Thanks for your patience. Death to Hackers!

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