Where Does The Time Go?– What? It’s Monday already? I’ve been buried in bristol board and notebooks for most of the last month, working on The Great American Graphic Novel, but I did take time out to celebrate Mrs. Crabb’s birthday (she’s *ahem* 39) with dinner at Kaido’s in GV, followed by a fun performance by the Second City troupe at the Center for the Arts. We are truly gifted to have such fine (and a little raunchy at times) entertainment here in the hills.
And Speaking Of Hills – Jeff P. is on a tear again over at Sierra Foothill Report, this time exposing Todd J.’s campaign contribution to congressional wannabe Doug LaMalfa. Once again, JP points out what dumb hillbillies us locals are here in his adopted home. He has made it a personal crusade to drive us on to the reservation (Lake Wildwood?) in his own version of Manifest Destiny. He also reminds us that his arch-enemy, George Rebane was once a planning commissioner during the short but fretful reign of Drew Bedwell. Somehow, the county did not turn into East LA during his term.
And Speaking Of Planning Commissioners – Congrats to regular comment contributor Brad Croul on his appointment to the Nevada City Planning Commission. Brad has a lot of experience with that body, having sheparded the beautifully restored Powell House through the minefield of Hysterical District rules and regs. Brad’s lovely spouse, the multi-talented Judith Lowry, is currently working to make the upcoming Nisenan Heritage Day (Saturday, Oct. 13, at Miner’s Foundry) an informative and entertaining reminder that there were locals before we got here and trashed the place. Long overdue. I regret that I won’t be there, having committed to attending the Alternative Press Expo in San Francisco. (So many engagements, so little time!)
And While We’re On The Subject Of San Francisco – Well, the Giants have clinched the NL West title, but the Oakland A’s are floundering in the final weeks of the season, crushing my dream of a Battle-Of-The-Bay rematch in the World Series. I guess half a there is better than no there-there.
And Finally, Speaking Of Oakland – If I didn’t know better, I’d think that Al Davis was running the Romney campaign. Of course, Big Al is dead, but maybe they got a hold of his playbook. Is it Tuesday yet?
Perhaps Mr. Croul can find out why that partially deconstructed eyesore at 244 Boulder Street is being tolerated by the Planning Commission. As an agency that has previously gone to war over the background color of a retail business sign I find their ongoing inattention to this mess quite puzzling.
Congrats to Brad Croul and his squeeze Judith Lowry.
Don’t give up on the A’s yet. They have the best shot at the second wild card, and as I like to say, anything can happen and usually does.
If the A’s ever fulfill their dream of moving to San Jose and end-up playing the Giants in the World Series, it will probably be called the CalTrain series. That may not be as catchy as Subway Series, but I’ll bet that’s what they call it. Nobody ever said sports writers were creative.
(For those of you who don’t know, CalTrain in the commuter train that runs along the Peninsula from San Francisco to San Jose.)
Hey, the A’s have a chance to win the division. Lots of games with Texas and they’re only 4 games back.
But they are indeed the A’s, which means they typically like to wait until the most important play/game to play like 13 year olds.
I’m trying reverse psychology…If I don’t root for them, maybe they’ll win!
Don’t reverse-root too hard, R.L., remember what happened in 1989.
Sports Trivia: There were many A’s fans in Nevada County even before they moved to Oaktown. When I was a young village idiot, we were all proud of local boy Pete Daley, who played with the A’s in 1960. I still remember how excited I was when I bought my umteenth pack of baseball cards and found a Pete Daley among them that stated “Hometown:Grass Valley, CA.” (Wish I still had those puppies!)
Exit Question: If the A’s move to the south bay, will they be known as the San Hose-A’s?
My Dad happened to be besties with Pete Daley in High School. And Bob you can find Pete Daley cards on E-bay for a few bucks if you really want one.
The Pete Daley card was sentimental, Pete. The cards I was thinking about were the ones worth $$$. (Same with the comic books my mom sold at a yard sale when I was living in Atlanta.)
Ha! Good one! And if they moved the other way… to let’s say, Canada — they could be the “Canadian, Ehs”?
Only in Alameda County.
As Johnny the Gout Man would put it, “Nobody cares!” in the rest of the Bay Area.