Scablands is actually two stories. My part of the story takes place along the same paths traveled by the dreamers of the Wanapum tribe one hundred years before me. The two stories weave in and out until they come together in the book’s conclusion.
I’ll be selling and signing copies of Scablands this Sunday, July 27, at McGee’s Annex in Nevada City. Hope to see you there!
So was “some surging” that typo you alluded to earlier?
No, that was an entirely different fuck-up. The problem is once you’ve read over these lines a hundred times you tend to see what you think you wrote instead of what’s actually on the page. In a hundred and ninety two pages, I only found about five mistakes. No too bad.
It’s funny…I read ‘come’ where ‘some’ was. I believe the mind has a built-in mechanism to auto correct those little, almost unnoticeable errors..gods own spell check? There may even be a name for it. Anyone?