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Off with their heads!!!… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1CHy2tLuEFE&sns=fb
A lot of us progressives went independent decades ago, but now? they’re threatening to do the same? Now? they’ve had enough? Now? they’re withdrawing support from the Democratic ticket? Nice of them to show up on the battlefield 30 years later and proclaim: “Hey, we’re in for a hell of a fight, eh?”
Newsflash: Clinton would have been defeated by Sanders in the primary, had the same machine not kept independents from voicing their opinion at the polls. His crowds were bigger than Clinton’s and Trump’s, and his grass-roots campaign was stronger than either of them. But NOW? these folks have had enough?
Well, at least now the Democratic base is starting to wise up to the fact that NEITHER party is going to allow single payer in this country, because it’s in OUR interest, and against theirs’.
Sander’s crowds bigger than Trump’s – by what measure and source?
Sanders got the cold shoulder from the Dems for the same reason Trump was rejected by the GOP establishment. They weren’t part of “the club.” We’ll never know how a Trump/Sanders match up would have turned out, but I believe he would have lost biglyer than Clinton.
That’s odd, because all the polls showed him beating Trump, and since his numbers were way stronger than Clinton’s, and she beat him by 3 million, seems illogical to assume otherwise. Guess we’ll never know.
And, Rebane, if you say something that I can prove false, I will do so. You’re more than welcome to do the same.
There are still a few Democrats who understand if they promise too much to too many they will pay for it in the inevitable next recession when they can’t deliver… http://www.politico.com/story/2017/07/10/california-democrats-elections-240341
Hm…interesting article.
I’m not going to surprise anyone here that I more identify as a moderate Democrat than a Progressive one on most issues.
[However I must note that that may be because most people don’t recognize how radical the political philosophy that calls for systemic reform of capitalism in order to save western society from the inevitable ‘revolution’ and all of its chaos really is. If we don’t get a handle on the fact that capitalism must share more of its benefit with more of its people we will see it. To my Progressive friends who work to hurry the ‘revolution’, who say we must tear it down to achieve nirvana, I can just say history proves that the vast majority of revolutions fail for the very people who foster them because ‘reaction’ demanding stability, almost always wins.]
But the division being driven by 1) the inability of progressives to recognize the real limits to power inherent in legislative processes, and 2) moderate Democrats antipathy to sharing power with the left (big mistake, they should share and blow passion to cool.) This is slowing progress on the things even they are seeking to advance, and gives rise to the theory that California is now a three or four party state.
Our friend Mr. Rebane would say this as proof of the “Great Divide”; that people of like mind have co-located in California leading to a model liberal state.
Personally I believe that it is proof of the intellectual and moral bankruptcy of the Republican Party as a group, it is their group psychology, making them increasing distant from the ‘new’ American demographic.
Republicans talk a mean game about the little people but as a group never really gave a shit about them and would sell their own children’s soul for one more shaky year of power. Eventually the little people will recognize this and their righteous indignation will be awesome to behold.
Ah, but in California Republicans are increasingly getting it and are becoming the anti-party—they are moving to the center on social issues.
The four parties are progressive or liberal democrats (not necessarily the same thing), independents who lean, moderates of the democratic and republican persuasion (and California moderate Republicans look like Democrats in many states they just can’t do it openly or they will get ‘primaried’), and crazy tin-foil hat, deep state destroying, isolationist, alt-right, ‘snowflake killing’ Republicans.
We are seeing this division slowing progress right now on a whole series of issues: climate policy, housing policy, health care, etc.
But I would warn my Progressive friends, and I am seeing it right now in Sacramento, radical expression unwilling to recognize legislative limits will drive Democrats and moderate Republicans together, and leave you out in the cold. And lets pretend for a minute that I am wrong and you win, what you win will be so fragmented that the change you seek will be unreachable.
Change comes in increments.
The obstacle is the way. I love that term from Stoicism.
If you want to un-fuck the world, persistent indefatigable pressure tied to ruthless pragmatism is the way. The obstacle is human resistance to change. The way is defining the ‘new’ not fighting the old. Listen to R. Buckminster Fuller who said, “You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
Identify, amend, define the new, adapt and adopt. Repeat. In politics as in human psychology that is how people work. It is what took us from the trees of the savannah to the gates of Mars.
Marcus Aurelius understood this–we need more Aurelius and less Sanders.
If I hear one kore time how it “should be” I am going to puke.
Very politically astute, Steve. But, if it weren’t for gerrymandering, voter suppression, and train loads of corporate cash, all of which are stifling our democratic republic, we’d have a Democratic House, Senate, and President, who actually work for the common citizen, which means we’d already HAVE single payer and a living wage, not to mention the much needed rebirth of the union movement, which is our traditional, “let the market forces dictate” control over runaway greed, along with a more clear, not less, separation between church and state.
And not to say that Sander’s call for revolution means actual fights in the streets, (it’s not even close, being closer to the “persistent indefatigable pressure tied to ruthless pragmatism” that you describe above), but with all due respect to ol’ Bucky Fuller, sometimes, as in our original revolution, you have to fight the old while simultaneously creating the new.
That’s all far from happening, but don’t blame the few who shove the obvious in your face and make you deal with it. The political spectrum has shifted so much that today’s moderate Democrat is yesterday’s moderate Republican, (and sometimes vice versa, due to the senseless fantasies that are explained as fact these days). Many of our more challenged citizens find themselves understandably confused and unwittingly conservative.
Like I said; it’s all far from happening, but that’s the way it SHOULD BE! (Please clean up after yourself.)
I am very much enjoying the obliteration of what’s left of the morally bankrupt Republican Party. Stack ’em like cordwood, baby.