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How true, we have become a blight upon the land.
Thankfully plastic bags will be gone very soon in our county and most likely CA. I guess I am a true conservative and would like to go back to the old days where we shopped local, got milk/ drinks in glass, bags were made of cloth, and we weren’t accelerating the 6th mass extinction http://www.actionbioscience.org/newfrontiers/myers_knoll.html
A liberal paradise. No one gets to do anything or use anthing unless the lib police say so. Great cartoon there RL.
I guess you were right, RL, they do want our plastic bags!
Ben, I think you’ll find that the modern milk cartons take less energy and materials than refillable glass that have to be very robust to take all the handling needed to be returned, cleaned, sterilized and refilled, all of which take copious amounts of energy.
It wasn’t milk, but I had a summer job as a relative youth at the Coca-Cola bottling plant in downtown Los Angeles back when Coke was shipped in those heavy green glass bottles. One of the tasks one would be assigned to was taking cases of the returned empties and tossing them onto a conveyor belt without breaking too many. Messy as hell and broken glass everywhere.
Plastic drink bottles now contain so little plastic that the fluid inside is the main structural element. A half empty one will collapse under a slight grip, slip away and land on the floor. Progress in the 21st century?
You would think that bag manufactures could make a plastic bag that is not only reusable, and recyclable but biodegradable. They probably can make one but it would be too expensive for grocers to buy. And for those who think cloth bags are the answer, I hope you store them and wash them real often because they harbor bacteria.
You guys are so far off base on the reasoning behind plastic bag ban and hopefully entire ban of plastics eventually. Anything done in plastic can be done using natural substances/ material. The chemicals and processes to soften the plastic is the big one but there are many reasons why plastics have proven not to be worth the convenience. Next you guys will be saying how you recycle all of your plastics.
The counter to Todd’s extreme opinion are company towns where the people are working poor, sick, and stuck.
Eliminating products of convenience that are harmful to large segments of the population directly or indirectly seems to me a happy medium.
Ben Emery, you are so extreme you are now scaring little children. Your opinions are in the minority and are fallacious at best. Plastic is derived from dead dinosaurs. I like plastic bags because I reuse them to take the tootsie rolls from my cats poo poo box out to the landfill. So the bags get two passes at use at a minimum.
BenE, if you have your way you would be in charge of the checklist that each of us would be required to comply with and if you were miffed we would be in lib prison. And you with the appropriate arm bands of course. Remember, Himmler was a simple chicken farmer before he was famous.
Well, maybe that isn’t so bad since your federal lib judges are tossing many prisoners into our counties and cities to free up space. Your buddies, improperly imprisoned for selling crack to kids and sentenced by racist judges and juries may be getting more lebensraum. TV, three squares and a roof.
Yep, first they came for the plastic bags and I said nothing because I used a cloth bag, then they came for the cloth bags (cotton growing uses to much water) and I said nothing, then they came for my jockeys and then I screamed , but too late.
you’re not worth the time to try and have a dialogue.
Its OK Ben Emery, you are just to dull to talk to.
You might be safe if you switch to hemp jockeys…for a while
Given that we live in California, we’re pretty much fucked in the asbestos department. My house (and hundreds of others in GV-NC) is covered with asbestos tiles. And there are millions of tons of it all over Sierra Nevada range. Of course, Ben, you could protect yourself by living in a plastic bubble…No, wait…That doesn’t work for you either, does it?
You can live in a barren oil soaked fracked cesspool but us damn environmentalist believe that our natural rights are inalienable given to us by our creator so our air, water, soil, and therefore our health have been violated by big industry. It is funny how some libertarians don’t connect those dots. Slave labor is just fine just as long as you are not the slave laboring.
I saw or read an interview where you mentioned your relatives describing how the mines treated the miners, the mules were treated better. Big business will sell out anything if it means an extra few cents in profit.
Ben Emery, I bet you live in a house or structure containing many things created and built by “big business”. The problem is you are just plain mad at everyone who has more than you. You are to simple to figure out.
First off, Ben, I don’t necessarily buy into whatever my cartoon characters are saying. I only attempt to portray the so-called real world as it exists, filled with crazy people who have concocted unrealistic notions of how the world works. There’s Benworld, where human beings somehow prosper and live in harmony with nature without leaving a “footprint”. No mining. No industry. No accumulated wealth. No progress is progress. At some point, they’ll figure out that it can’t be done until most of the population is eliminated. You can only process so much shit.
On the other side, you have Toddworld, where the big dog rules. Let the corporate kings worship the God-dollar and everyone toils happily for crappy wages and lives in places like Libby, Montana. (Note that the residents don’t exactly fit the raving enviro profile.) Fuck them. If they get too uppity, send in the shock troops to mow them down. Why not? There are plenty more where those came from.
In my hazy confused centrist mind, I see both of these scenarios as unworkable. Plastic is not going to go away in our lifetime. Rich assholes shouldn’t be able to buy justice. Perhaps there is no perfect world order, and we’ll always have to compromise to get along and try to live productive lives. And in the end we’ll still be stuck on a planet that can’t sustain 10 billion people. We’ll have to start seriously thinking about colonizing space, which will entail mining tons of raw materials and processing rocket fuel, or getting rid of the unproductive riff-raff that consumes too many precious resources. Maybe technology will save us, but I’m not holding my breath.
Call me Dr. Evil. too funny.
Here is the thing Bob, plastics can be made without oil. I would have no problem with plant based plastics that aren’t filled with toxic chemicals. The plastics that are used in single use plastic bags is from refined oil. In other words toxic waste from refining oil into petrol. It is another way of subsidizing big energy and increasing their profits at the expense of our health. Kind of like the benzene bs that has been outlawed in CA. I can almost guarantee the exempt toxic mix of fracking will be the toxic wast products from big industry as well.
We are only given two options much of the time. Maybe it is because we are one of four “democracies” on the planet that use two party system or what but the big industry issue boils down to unregulated with massive profits and even bigger destruction or regulated creating crony capitalism that takes out competition with massive profits for big industry. Not much of a choice if you ask me.
I am not against mining just irresponsible mining. Not against the timber industry just clear cutting, especially in old growth forest.
One thing I have learned about eco buts and liberals is simple. The are never against anything except this particular mine, business, daycare or development they are just against this one. It is usually in the wrong place, the wrong time or by the wrong people. Those are the talking points at every hearing, about ebery EIR and about every meeting.
Clearcuts are ugly, but who’s to say which is uglier, man’s, or nature’s?
Clearcuts have been outlawed for 25 years in the west. So I guess it is nature’s clearcuts. I say fine the shit out of GOD.
Todd clear cuts have NOT been “outlawed”. Do you ever tire of foot in mouth disease?
McChicken THP) Sierra Pacific Industries, 282 acres; 88% clearcut, 11% rehab, 1% roadside logging. Ingot, McCandless Gulch (MD: T34N R1W Sec.19, 30; T34N R2W Sec.13, 24, 25). Winter operations, high erosion hazard, steep slopes over 65%, 10 road drainage work sites, impaired 303.d watershed, herbicides, oversized units, bald eagle nest within 1 mi, Shasta salamander, Shasta snow wreath, scattered large trees. Estimated public comment deadline: 10/23/13. VIEW
THP 2-13-058 TRI (Bear Pond THP) Sierra Pacific Industries, 455 acres; 100% clearcut logging. Blue Ridge, Grouse Lake (MD: T37N R6W Sec.3, 5, 9, 11; T38N R6W Sec.29, 33). Winter operations, moderate erosion hazard, steep slopes up to 60%, landslide terrain, road failure sites, 64 road drainage work sites, impaired 303.d watershed, herbicides, 3 cascade frog sightings within .8 mi, 6 sensitive plant species, trees up to 48″ dbh. Estimated public comment deadline: 10/23/13.
Clearcutting is outlawed you fool. The old way was all trees from the land, now they leave seed trees and more. You are too much.
Todd you need to read. Clear cuts are happening everyday. You prove everyday who is the real fool. Dispute the link and the timber harvest plans. You can’t. Bluster on and dig in deeper.
KenJ, your link is a private eco group not official government.
Todd do you even know what a timber harvest plan is? Digging deeper. Instead of admitting you are wrong, again, you make pathetic excuses. No one would expect different from you.
You are simply ignorant KenJ. That’s OK.
A Dr Seuss book was banned due to lobbying from the timber industry. Nope just good business practices that only has general welfare in mind.
“The Lorax was banned because it portrays the foresting industry in an arguable negative way. Some people felt that this book was persuading children to be against logging.”
Ben, could you point to a “barren oil soaked fracked cesspool”? The EPA is having a hard time finding one and they seem desperate, since low cost petrochemical energy isn’t what they are pushing for.
You don’t like “big industry”. What about little industry? Read Dickens to see how that often turns out. It’s people top to bottom and big business is no more afflicted with immoral people than grass roots environmentalism is.
Meanwhile, on a medium-sized island in the east Pacific…
[note to fingers: don’t type until at least one cup of coffee has been consumed]
Don’t you know nuclear energy is safe, clean, and green? It is the most expensive and dangerous form of energy on the planet.
There is another island in the Pacific with the nickname garbage patch.
When breaking the law means a miniscule fine compared to profits it is good business practices to break the law and pay the fine if you are caught.
Save the Sierra