The Daily Idiot – Friday 2/5/21

Rebuke’s Ruined Nation  “Not Shooting Blanks”(She’ll never get past the mental detector.)

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3 Responses to The Daily Idiot – Friday 2/5/21

  1. Chris Peterson says:

    Some of this morning’s political comedy came in the form of Sen. McConnell complaining that the Democrats were riding rough-shod over his party by passing the covid relief reconciliation bill by a 51 to 50 vote.

    McConnell: “Notwithstanding the actual needs, notwithstanding all the talk about bipartisan unity, Democrats in Congress are plowing ahead.” He’s right about one thing; when he was majority leader he never asked for unity. It’s bizarre, yet laughably typical, to see the self-proclaimed “grim reaper” complain of a lack of unity.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Speaking of dumb trees, one of our local lunatics shared these tortured thoughts earlier this morning:

    “Biden has moved all abortions out of legal constraints and into full blown day-of-birth abortions, moving the issue to women’s health…you know, Doctor-Patient relationship. Except, you don’t need to be a real doctor to kill a 9 month old ‘blob of cells.’ A woman’s heath issue now, not abortion. The constraints have been removed, and you have come a long way, baby….and you ain’t going back.
    Yep, Joe Biden is doing a lot of good things. In fact, in Virginia you don’t even need to be a licensed medical aid to participate in the fun, fun, fun baby killings. Just take the baby who survived the abortion or was birthed, set the infant on a cold steel tray, and discuss with the mother what to go with ‘it’.
    Should we smash its head in with a hammer, Punch? The baby is lying there and no one is allowed to comfort ‘it’. Or, you can borrow one of my drills and you can bore holes in ‘its’ head. That sounds cool, eh Punch. I will even buy you a plane ticket (round trip, of course) so you can watch live and even participate to get your daily dose of hate and bloodlust satisfied. How cool is that. Like the kitty spilling the milk.
    We don’t want to take away your pleasures and abortions, Punch. We just want ‘common sense abortion control.’ Just like firearms. But, Biden has other ideas. Maybe he wants to confiscate our guns to put holes in fully developed ‘its’ heads….especially when they can survive outside the womb. Paul Emery, I can see why you like Creepy Joe.”

    Hopefully this tortured soul will be returned to his loony bin before sundown. Professor Rebuke has some ‘splainin’ to do.

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