Boycott KVMR? (from 2001)

Back in 2001, during the contentious NH2020 debate, some conservatives suggested a boycott of businesses supporting KVMR. The station had done nothing out of the ordinary, just presented numerous forums promoting the land use initiative. The boycott never materialized.

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16 Responses to Boycott KVMR? (from 2001)

  1. Michael Anderson says:

    Wow. Thanks for the reminder. Same ol’ same ol’!

  2. Todd juvinall says:

    “Sugested” a boycott? I was building houses then and was not doing political stuff then but I don’t recall anyone suggesting a boycott. Perhaps you took the fact the KVMR folks were actively supporting NH2020 wrong. But my mind is almost 62 now.

    • rl Crabb says:

      I think the suggestion came from a letter to the editor in the paper, but I don’t remember exactly. Obviously, it made enough of an impression on me to do a cartoon about it. Then, like now, there was a lot of loose talk and bloviating going on.

  3. Todd juvinall says:

    I oppose boycotting but I am not against someone deciding to by at CVS instead of Walgreens if the price is right.

  4. Don Baumgart says:

    When the supes finally bowed to pressure from the black helicopter crazies and dumped NH202 there was a guy in the Rood Building lobby wearing a dog suit barbecuing the NH report. Earlier one supe had said of the effort to define what we have here: “I’d like to be the first to put a bullet in that puppy!”

  5. Todd Juvinall says:

    No, don’t use it but you seem to be exhibiting imbibed behavior. Do you use it?

    • Michael Anderson says:

      Nah, the stuff doesn’t agree with me. I prefer peyote.

      I stuff the peyotes up my nose, then blow them out at high speed, targeting unsuspecting dingbats.

      Careful, I might be sitting next to you at the local lunch counter. Easy does it, cowboy.

  6. Todd juvinall says:

    No lunch counters for me. Strictly drive thru.

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