Quick Sketch 10/11/18

Wasn’t this the guy who used to complain that Obama wasn’t paying enough attention to natural disasters?

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15 Responses to Quick Sketch 10/11/18

  1. George Rebane says:

    By all accounts, save in the liberal media, Trump and the feds have been doing admirably in responding to the recent spate of hurricanes. What evidence do you have that he fiddles while Rome floods? Are there obvious gaps in what our president could be doing to make things better, or is this just instinctive vitriol?

  2. RL CRABB says:

    Your one-eyed partisanship would never countenance a Democratic president running off to comfort his fans, who would suffer greatly if he were to cancel due to a natural disaster of biblical proportions. But then, why would he worry about a place called “Mexico” Beach? https://www.salon.com/2018/10/11/trump-holds-campaign-rally-while-hurricane-michael-rips-florida-gets-shunned-by-fox-news

  3. Ken Jones says:

    By all accounts George? You mean the trash blog that you maintain and the sewer that is Todd’s blog. Please ya’ll need to lose the self-righteous indignation whenever someone points out the obvious flaws and abject hypocrisy of the POS sitting in the oval office. From his golf to his criticism of anything President Obama did, regardless of the truth, Trump is the extreme. And because he has an R behind his party, you and the mindless followers condone any and all actions. Simply pathetic.

  4. Steven Frisch says:

    Well he has cut funding from the FEMA budget intended to respond to disasters and diverted it to ICE to incarcerate children: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2018/09/11/femas-budget-cut-10-million-support-ice-documents-show/1274723002/

  5. Steven Frisch says:

    Oh, yeah, and proposed cutting funding from NOAA, the parent agency that assesses and analyzes weather events and disaster preparedness: https://www.aip.org/fyi/2018/fy19-budget-request-20-noaa-cut-targets-research-forecasters

  6. Steven Frisch says:

    Oh yeah, and he refuses to accept peer reviewed, third party assessments of the human toll of Florence in Puerto Rico: https://www.cnn.com/2018/09/13/politics/trump-puerto-rico-death-toll/index.html

  7. Steven Frisch says:

    And continues to deny US Citizens who have been part of the United States since the Spanish American War and who have voted two times in the last 5 years to support statehood full citizenship rights “as long as critics are in office…” http://time.com/5405304/trump-puerto-rico-absolute-no-san-juan-carmen-yulin-cruz/

  8. Steven Frisch says:

    So although going to a rally to get his ego stroked might not be fiddling while Rome burns, it is a pretty good indication that the President of the United States is not only anti-science and anti-disaster preparedness (as evidenced by his stance on climate change) but a reprehensible bigot.

  9. Steven Frisch says:

    BTW George Rebane, love this quote from you on your blog:

    “Without the obligation of marriage to hold them back, black men impregnated willing black women who knew that each additional fatherless kid meant a bigger check from the feds.”

    No code there…just good old fashioned racism.

  10. Steven Frisch says:

    And finally, Bob and I have gone around and around over the years about whether or not George Rebane is just a flat out racist who uses code to advance racism or a brilliant intellectual with unconventional ideas. Much of it goes back to this quote from 2010:

    “Should I not have a protected right to immerse myself in the culture of my choosing, and not be forced by the state to expose myself to cultures that I and others like me consider foreign and subtractive from our quality of life?’

    I really would encourage people to read the thread:


    A “protected right’ to Culturally Cohesive Communities? [Referenced in another more contemporary Rebane pontification.] If that ain’t flat out racism I don’t know what is.

    I remind you Bob that the entire strategy of the alt-right is state a race myth then deny it’s a race myth. George intentionally parses his words to give him plausible deniability of fucking racism.

  11. Steven Frisch says:

    I guess George could always just move to Sun City like Russ did and the could let the CC&Rs keep the riff raff out.

  12. Michael Anderson says:

    In Walnut Creek, George’s greatly divided utopia awaits his benighted transcendence: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rossmoor,_Walnut_Creek,_California

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